Get to Know Me
Hello there! As you may have guessed from the title, this page is an introduction. My name is Jonathan “Griffin” Long, and I’m just an ordinary person with a passion for making a positive impact in the world. I’ve had various experiences throughout my life, and I continue to seek out new ones. These experiences have given me a wealth of knowledge that I believe can be applied to help you solve any issue you may have.
For most of my professional life, I’ve been working in the nonprofit sector and even obtained a Master’s degree in it. I’ve also been interested in technology for as long as I can remember. Combining these two passions has led me to create Nomadic Consulting LLC, where I specialize in nonprofit technology. This means I can assist with anything related to nonprofits and technology. For example, I can help build relationships between nonprofits and technology suppliers, resulting in great collaboration and increased opportunities for both parties. I’ve also helped organizations during the global pandemic by enabling them to switch to digital platforms seamlessly, allowing them to keep providing their unique services to the community.
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